‘You ain’t seen nothing yet’… Afe Babalola.

It is a well known diplomatic exercise the world over for the Ambassadors of a country to occasionally visit home to brief that particular country and to share experiences with the home government.

That exactly was the experience of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD), when the executives of the university’s Alumni Association, who are currently observing the mandatory one-year NYSC program, returned ‘home’, i.e. ABUAD to give testimony as to what and how it has been since they left ABUAD as part of its 103 pioneer graduates in an elaborate convocation ceremonies witness the cream-de-la-cream of the society on October 21, 2013.

One of the recurring decimal in the testimonies of the alumni, led by their President, Miss Temitope Badejo, was that the name of the Founder, Aare Afe Babalola and the name of the University itself, as often said by Babalola, has been opening doors of favour, opportunities and preferential treatment even in their service year in various parts of the country.

Badejo had led the Association’s Vice-President…, the Director of Socials,...,  the Liaison Officer… and the Public Relations Officer… to ABUAD to see their Alma Mata and share their experiences with the students.

In unison, even though speaking one after the other, they all advised the students to endure the seemingly harsh conditions of having to wake up early, being punctual at lectures and other engagements as well as dressing well, stressing that it was the aggregate of all these have been working in their favour in their various service station round the country.

In his remarks, Babalola, who was reacting to the torrents of testimonies and variety of accolades showered on him and the university, simply said:”You have not seen anything yet. Most of our pioneer graduates who spoke this afternoon are unanimous that my name and that of our university open doors for which I am grateful to the Almighty God”.

He added:”I must however say with all humility that that is not surprising to us. We have deliberately worked with everything that the Almighty has endowed us with to ensure the success of this university and one thing is sure, you have not seen anything yet. When you complete your NYSC  programme, you will yet see another dimension of where the names Afe Babalola and Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti can lead you”.

With the advantage of hindsight, Babalola said that whenever anyone wants to be great, he/she would be selfless about his thoughts and deeds and concentrate more on thinking about others and what they can do to be of assistance to others.

He thanked the Ambassadors for spending their resources to come back to the university, pointing out that in addition to being the children of their biological parents, each person is equally the child of the university he/she attended.

His words: “Here are people who graduated from here last October but are here today on their own volition, spending their time, money and other resources to come back home to see what we are doing and minister to us. God will bless you all”.

He added: “In my resolve to make you great and even greater than myself, I was nick-named Old School. But I am not and will not be deterred. The testimonies of members of the Alumni Association make me happy and joyful.

“Don’t think we are pushing too hard or that we are punishing you when we ask you to dress well, be punctual at lectures and other engagements and look clean. It is all for your good. These are the things amount to disciple and good character”.

He concluded by pointing out that education without character amounts to nothing and therefore urged the students to always keep hope alive an their future is in there hands.