The Pace setters set the pace.

 …build a Towering Tower

Whereas the misguided architects of the biblical Tower of Babel did not achieve their aim because they undermined the place and import of God, the proponents of ABUAD’s Alumni Tower, the first set of the university’s graduates, has successfully achieved their glorious aim of building a towering Alumni Tower where they etched the names of all the new (first set) of graduates on marble.

They are known by various names: they often describe themselves as Pace Setters, the university sees them as First Fruits while the world at large know and acknowledge them as the first set of graduating students of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, (ABUAD).

But no matter how they are described, no matter the names they are called, all the above descriptions and labels refer to the 103 first set of graduates produced by ABUAD and globally celebrated at its elaborate 1st convocation on October 21, 2013.

One striking thing about these young men and women is that they have started giving signification to their sobriquet (pace setters). Indeed, they have started demonstrating the lessons and ideals inculcated in them in their three and half years of uninterrupted academic, entrepreneurial and moral studies in the model modern university.

They have started to be relevant in the scheme of things in their alma mater. They have started giving back to the ABUAD community through their commendable act of by building the towering Alumni Tower where they their names are indelibly inscribed.  What a way of giving back to the institution that moulded them and shaped their destinies.

It is like the young graduates have plugged into the advice given by the Overall Best graduating student, Miss Adesola Akomolafe, who said in the speech she delivered on behalf of her colleagues that one of the roles of the alumni is to see to the development of any institution, in this case, ABUAD.

Her words: “Graduating students of ABUAD, I urge you all to be good Ambassadors of this institution and of this nation. Afe Babalola University, Ado- Ekiti, has done a lot for us, the institution has equipped us not only educational, but morally…The sky is the starting point”.

Indeed, the sky is the take-off point for ABUAD and its products because the university is primed to make a difference by pioneering quality and reformatory education in Nigeria.
