Before the commencement of the 2012/2013 second semester examination, general instructions on the conduct of examination were given to students, staff and the chief invigilators of the school in order to create discipline among the students.



  • Students must arrive thirty (30) minutes before the Examination starts and shall thereafter be admitted only at the discretion of the Chief Invigilator. Such student(s) shall not be given extra time.
  • Every student must present the following documents before they are allowed into the Examination Venue.
  1. Clearance Certificate from the Bursary.
  2. Student Identity Card

These items must be placed on the table for inspection by the invigilators at all times during the examinations.

  • No student will be admitted into the Examination Hall 30 minutes after the Examination has commenced.
  • Misreading of the Examination Time-Table is not an acceptable excuse for lateness to Examination Hall.
  • Students must ensure that they sign in at the commencement of the Examinations and also ensure that they sign-out after submitting their Answer Scripts and Question paper.
  • Students must also ensure that their Matriculation Numbers are correctly and boldly written on their Answer Scripts.
  • Students must remain seated at the end of the Examination while Invigilators go from row to collect Answer Scripts. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that their Scripts are collected by the Invigilators before they leave the Examination Hall
  • No student shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall within the first Thirty (30) minutes to the end of the Examination.
  • Students shall not take Answer Booklet(s) out of the Examination Hall or put such to use thereafter other than for that Examination.
  • Students shall communicate in whatever form or speak in the Examination Hall as this will constitute Examination Malpractice.
  • Students shall not bring or use Scrap Paper in the Examination Hall. All rough works should be done in the Answer Booklet and neatly crossed out thereafter.
  • Students shall observe percept silence and decorum in the examination hall. The only permissible way of attracting the attention of the invigilator is by show of the hands.
  • Students must dress properly/decently at all times to Examination Venues.
  • Students must bring along with them to Examination Venues the following materials: Biro, Pencil, Ruler, Sharpener and Calculator. Note that the exchange of these Materials will not be tolerated.
  • Students are prohibited from bringing along with them the following items to the Examination Venues: Textbooks, Notebooks, IPAD, IPOD, Tablet, IPhones Handsets, Laptops, Sun Shades, Bags and Head Phones, among other items considered illegal during examinations. These materials (if found) shall be confiscated and the student shall take the Students Disciplinary Committee (SDC)
  • You are advised to strictly adhere to the above instructions. As the violation of any of these instructions shall be treated as Examination Malpractice.



  1. Lecturers must be at theExamination Venue one hour before the commencement of the Examination.
  2. Lecturers must ensure receipt of Answer Booklets/ Question Papersand ExaminationMalpractice FormsPromptly and arrange the students; mixing them up as necessary.
  3. Course lecturer(s) must arrive very early (7.00am) and be sure that Question Papersare ready one hour before Examination.
  4. For large Examination Venues, Lecturers will be stationed in specific positions, and the most Senior Staff assumes leadership of the Venue. Unscheduled staffs are not allowed near the Examination Halls.
  5. All Examination Materials shall be handed over to the Chief Examiner immediately after the Examination.
  6. Course lecturer(s) must wait to receive their Answer Papers from the Chief Examiner immediately after the Examination.
  7. Invigilators must check Students Identification Cards/ Financial Clearance slipsfor correspondence of Students information and identities
  8. The leader of each invigilating group must sign the Answer Bookletscover. Unsigned Answer Booklets will be rejected. Please do your job with utmost care.
  9. Invigilators must ensure that all cases of Examination Malpractice are promptly documented and reported to the Chief Examiner.
  10. Invigilators must ensure that all unused Answer Scripts and Examination Malpractice Forms are packed together and returned to the College Officer’s Office.
  11. Shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor or the Chief Invigilator.



  1. The Chief Invigilator must ensure that all Attendance Sheets tally with the number of Scripts submitted.
  2. Shall ensure that all Question Papers are adequate in all Centres.
  3. Shall ensure that Examination Materials are delivered to venue 20minutes before the commencement of the Examinations
  4. Shall ensure that Invigilators Report to their various Centres promptly. He will maintain an Attendance Register for all Invigilators.
  5. Shall report all cases of Examination Malpractice during the Examination for further action.
  6. Shall ensure that all Examination Scripts are correctly delivered to the Examiner(s).
  7. Shall ensure the effective and efficient coordination of all Invigilators.
  8. Shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by Management.
  9. Shall submit his report within 24hours after the Examination


Any student established to have cheated or aiding and abetting cheating in any Examination or found guilty of being in possession of incriminating Materials at the Examination, or involved in any other serious Examination Misconduct before, during or after the Examination, including impersonation, shall face the Students Disciplinary Committee (SDC).