There is no doubt that at some point in the recent past, Federal Universities in the country were once a place of acquisition of sophisticated intellectual edification. This was possible then because of many social, political and economic factors which are not necessarily taken into consideration in this essay.

It cannot also not be disputed that these federal institutions are currently experiencing an electrifying decline in all ramifications.  These universities have particularly and dramatically lost their place in the heart of many Nigerians because of their largely unpredictable academic calendars as a result of which their students spend as many as seven to eight years for four-year programmes.

It is highly unfathomable how students can be effectively trained in a corrupt academic learning environment; an environment that cares less about the moral and social attributes of students. As we all know, education without morals is nothing. One thing that is greatly lost in our society today is “morals” and one of those things I can say from my experience in ABUAD is the evident and palpable efforts of the Founder and President Emeritus, Aare Afe Babalola, SAN, and the University Management  to inculcate ‘morals’ in the students.

I have been privileged to visit some federal institutions and was previously granted admission into one of them, but my experience there and here in ABUAD is indescribably different. All I can say and as the saying goes is that “the taste of the pudding is in the eating”.

The question might arise that why not compare ABUAD with other private universities. Though, private universities are no doubt generally in the ascending trend while federal universities are in the descending inclination. There are however a few of these whose standard is questionable, but not under consideration in this article. The response, I would proffer in the next paragraph.

Afe Babalola University (ABUAD) is a ‘special university’ whose motive and goal are distinct from any other private university in the country. Apart from the Founder of the institution being a man of untainted character, a philanthropist per excellence, a believer in “industry” and “character”; an experienced uncommon legal luminary, he has also devoted his life to the course of this great institution making Harvard University a reference point, with the aim of creating a generation that would bring astronomically and unprecedented transformation to our country.

You would wonder why a man who is well over 80, (having single handedly made his life worthy of emulation,) would still think of impacting a new generation and generations yet unborn in a different way, while his contemporaries are busy buying and flying Jets from one country to another. Let me secretly say this, the car he is using is far less expensive than what some of which the lecturers are using. The reason is simple, his passion is different; he wants change, he wants to restructure the educational system and restore its lost glory.

In this paragraph, though short, I must confess that I have spent a great deal of time trying to decide whether or not to mention names of some other universities, but concluded that may not be necessary. The achievement of ABUAD and the standard it has set in the first four years of its existence has made it a reference point for others and it is noteworthy to state that it will take several years for anyone to match the towering prowess achievements of this fastest growing private university in Africa.

In ABUAD, it is no new news that the magnificent structures are record holders, the academic environment is unbeatable, the calibers of lecturers; a selection of world best, comfort and proximity being intentionally planned, and security provision adequately provided for. These are just a few that most people know.

Afe Babalola University, is not just a suitable place for academic learning, it is an environment that would ignite your passion towards greatness, motivate you towards achievement and will prepare you to be able to offer solutions to world challenges.

I was shocked when one of my lecturers said he receives his salary on the 25th day of every month.   Though, not too surprised, but that further gave me more grounds to believe that the students in ABUAD are programmed to be successful. Our lecturers live on campus, where social amenities are provided for, making life easy for them so as to have sufficient comfort, which would greatly contribute to their productivity and enable them to dispense their duties without restrains.

One day, I was at a conference, during which I was required to introduce myself before giving my address. On mentioning the name of my institution, “ABUAD”, I instantly became the cynosure. Fortunately, that is what every student experiences. In fact, I was not surprised when some of our ex-students came to testify that the name of the school has brought them good-luck, charm in the society and that they have been meeting not only up to standard but beyond the standard expected of  fresh graduates. These are the effects of ABUAD. This is the work of Aare Afe Babalola, whose name truly opens doors.