Dear Friends and Colleagues
I bring you greetings from our new ultra-modern Secretariat Offices whose construction was fully funded by the Government of Ghana. We moved to our new spacious building on the 15th February 2017. We are most grateful to the Government of Ghana for the continued investments in African Higher Education.
I take this opportunity to call on our stakeholders to register to attend our upcoming 14th General Conference and Golden Jubilee Celebrations due to take place from 5-8 June 2017 in Accra, Ghana. The online registration is important for our planning and to enable you to have a memorable event.
I also invite all our stakeholders to register to exhibit during the upcoming 14thGeneral Conference and Golden Jubilee Celebrations.
If you have any queries concerning the 14th General Conference and Golden Jubilee celebrations please contact events@aau.org
I hope that you will find the news from the AAU Secretariat useful. Please share the AAU News widely within your institutions.
Yours in the service of higher education in Africa,
Professor Etienne Ehouan Ehile
Secretary General - Association of African Universities.